Foster Village- Day 4

On our last day of Go Week, we came together to finish the backyard at the Foster Village.  This included staining the fence, completing the rock work for the patio, assembling a new sofa for their office, and taking a big load of trash to the city dump. Our team was so grateful to have teamed up with Holly from Foster Village to make an impact on the organization. We love Hyde Park and can’t believe the work we accomplished this week!

Foster Village- Day 3

On day three, we continued to serve with The Foster Village at their Austin location. Today, we finished building the playhouse, assembled IKEA furniture for their new office, sorted and packed kids’ clothes, built a concrete step, power washed and stained the fence, and made a patio for the backyard. We are so grateful to work with this amazing organization and can’t wait to see the final product tomorrow!

Foster Village- Day 2

Tenth-grade tudents continued to partner with The Foster Village at their Austin location. On day two, they worked on building the backyard to fit their vision for their organization. They helped dream and plan fun things to do to make their backyard better. To do so, students took apart old fences, power washed, did lots of yard work, painted a turquoise picnic table, built a playhouse, and took trips to Home Depot and IKEA. They can’t wait to see what day three will bring.

Foster Village- Day 1

Today, our team worked at the Foster Village in their Round Rock location. This organization bridges this gap between foster children and their families and caregivers with those in the community who want to help.  The Foster Village does this by meeting the practical needs of these foster families and providing holistic support beyond the system.  Our team of 10th graders spent the day sorting baby and children’s clothes, toys, car seats, and beds, and packing boxes.  We then delivered the donations that Foster Village could not use to either Goodwill or the dump. We worked hard, laughed, and enjoyed getting to serve this awesome organization together.  Our Team is excited to spend day 2 of Go Week at the Foster Village in their Austin location!